Friday, January 11, 2008


  • What are antioxidants?
  • What are flavonoids?
  • What are the health benefits of Green Tea?
  • What is the difference between Green Tea and Black Tea?
  • Does Green Tea contain caffeine?
  • Does the decaffeination process affect the health benefits of Green Tea?

  • What are antioxidants?

An antioxidant is a chemical that prevents the oxidation of other chemicals. In biological systems, the normal process of oxidation produces highly reactive free radicals.

  • What are flavonoids?

Flavonoids are antioxidants that have been shown to boost immunity, help with the maintenance and proper functioning of blood vessels, and provide protection against oxidative and free radical damage. Flavonoids are found in all types of tea.

  • What are the health benefits of Green Tea?

Visit our Tea & Your Health for information.

  • What is the difference between Green Tea and Black Tea?

The difference between Green and Black Tea occurs during the processing of the tea leaves. Both types are normally hand plucked and then withered. Tea leaves are laid out and allowed to wilt for several hours. Withering reduces the moisture content in the leaves and prepares them for the next step, which is rolling. The rolling process is critical because it prepares the leaves for oxidation (fermentation) by rupturing the leaves and exposing enzymes to oxygen. Black tea gets its color and character as a result of the fermentation process. The term "ferment" has been used by the tea industry for years, but the process is more correctly defined as oxidation. The enzymes in the tea leaves are allowed to oxidize after rolling. Green tea, however, is not oxidized; the leaves are steamed or baked immediately after being plucked. They are then rolled and dried allowing the leaves to remain green in color. Both teas are then dried and sorted.

  • Where does Green Tea come from?

Green tea like regular black tea comes from leaves of the Camellia Sinesis plant. Unlike black tea, green tea leaves are steamed, or baked, shortly after plucking. Black tea is oxidized, often referred to as “fermenting” after plucking. Because green tea is not fermented, the finished leaves are very similar to the natural leaves from a tea bush.

The tea that goes into Salada’s 100% green tea and flavored green teas is hand plucked. Because young leaves and the bud make the best tea, hand plucking is the preferred method. Almost all of the world’s green tea is produced in either China or Japan. China alone produces almost ninety percent of the world’s green tea.

  • Does Green Tea contain caffeine?

Yes, unless it’s decaffeinated. An average cup of green tea contains approximately 30 mg of caffeine. This compares to a cup of black tea, which has about 40 mg, and a cup of brewed coffee, which has 120 mg of caffeine.

  • Does the decaffeination process affect the health benefits of Green Tea?

The effect of the decaffeination process on the health benefits of green tea depends on the decaffeination process. Salada’s decaffeination process preserves the antioxidants found in green tea by using only spring water and effervescence (CO2 method) to take the caffeine out.

  • How many cups of Green Tea should be consumed per day in order to gain the maximum health benefits?

Most of the research has indicated that drinking 4 or more cups per day will yield the maximum health benefits.

  • Does Green Tea lose any of its health benefits when flavors are added?

No, Salada Green Tea flavors contain all of the health benefits associated with green tea. Salada has added only natural flavorings that create new taste sensations without changing the health benefits of green tea.

  • What is the difference been orange pekoe and black tea?

The term ‘black tea’ more accurately describes Salada Tea. The term ‘orange pekoe(pekoe cut black tea)’ only describes the size of the tea leaf. Black tea is the more correct term to use when describing the type of tea often referred to as ‘regular’ tea.

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